A New Beginning


As my trip has come to an end it comes time to move on and embrace another path in my life. I've been so fortunate to have learned so much throughout my journey here in Southeast Asia, and I feel so much more grounded and ready to start my life as a young professional in Denver. Before this trip I was struggling with what I wanted to do and where I wanted to be, however, I realized that I'm ready to start a life in Denver because every time I got homesick I had this yearning to go back to Colorado not California. Trust me I've had plenty of times on this trip when I got into a funk and was not happy, but looking back on all I've accomplished I know that I can do anything and the skills I've learned here are transferable to any career path I decide to take. There were many highs and many lows, but that's all part of the trip and the finale is just as important as the beginning. I've been having a lot of bittersweet feelings lately due to my Southeast Asian Season Finale because when I was here it was like nothing else in the world mattered and all I was focusing on was what right in front of me, which is great but now that it's over I'm struggling with realizing that not only myself but all my friends have gone back to their own reality. Nothing will ever be the same as it was these past few months, whether it be good or bad it's how it is. I had such an incredible experience and at times I just didn't want it to end, but of course everything will come to an end eventually and I think how you deal with these situations can either make you go crazy or feel at peace.


I've been reading this book called "Sapiens" by Yuval Noah Harari and there is a passage that really stood out to me about dealing with the end of my trip. Harari details the life of Siddhartha Gautama and his meditation techniques to deal with his own reality and accept things (good or bad) as they are. As I was reading this I automatically thought that this is directly in correlation as to how I'm trying to accept the fact that things are changing for better or worse. I'm excited for whats next to come in my life, but also sad to leave behind this trip. I'm also leaving behind a part of me that was not as level headed and unsure about what I wanted in life. This trip has given me a general route of what I want to do, and I believe that this route will open up many other paths that will help me achieve any goal I want. Harari further talks about how Gautama developed a set of ethical rules so that people could focus on actual experience rather than falling into cravings and fantasies. He says that craving always causes dissatisfaction, and the only way to avoid this is to question "what am I experiencing now?" rather than "what would I rather be experiencing?" Gautama said that its necessary to avoid killing, promiscuous sex and theft, since such acts fuel the fire of craving and when there is no fire we can enter a state of nirvana and be fully liberated from all suffering. As I was reading this passage next to the pool at our hotel I just immediately felt like a weight have been lifted off my shoulders. Everything felt so much more clear, because I was able to understand that life is all about embracing the good and bad. Although I've been living in a different reality, I'm ready to go back to my own reality with a new mindset. Traveling is the best form of education and no matter how old you are, how smart you are, or how well-traveled you are there is always something to learn through traveling.


I can list off a bunch of things I've learned on this trip, but that would result in a 1000 page memoir. Yes, I've had some monumental realizations but also some small ones that have completely changed my outlook on life. I just generally feel so much happier, confident with myself, and content with how things are in my life. A trip like this is much more valuable than reading a textbook or taking a class, and I want to spread the benefits of travel so that other people can experience the same thing as myself. I feel so beyond fortunate to have had the opportunity to accomplish such an adventure and to finish it off all the way until the end. Thank you to everyone who helped me get to where I am today, because I wouldn't be the same person without your support. An end is just a new beginning! Much love, and catch me if you can because I've got a flight back to San Francisco to catch!
